Under the auspices of the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (SF&OC), Hong Kong Anti-Doping Committee (HKADC) today (16 December 2009) publishes the inaugural issue of a quarterly newsletter “TrueSelf”, to open up another channel for enhancing dissemination of anti-doping messages to the sports community.
The bilingual newsletter is aimed at enhancing regular anti-doping knowledge of the members of the sport community and cultivating proper ethical values in sport.
The inaugural issue highlights a number of HKADC’s accomplishments including the launching of HKADC testing programme and the joining of the Associations of the National Anti-doping Organizations (ANADO), along with messages from SF&OC’s President Mr. Timothy FOK, Hon. Secretary General Mr. PANG Chung, and HKADC’s Chairman Prof. Frank FU.
“The fight against doping will be considerably strengthened and that the spirit of drug-free sport will be fostered through this Newsletter” said Mr. Timonthy FOK in his message.
The newsletter will be published quarterly starting from December 2009 and will be distributed to all National Sports Associations by post and downloadable at www.antidoping.hk. People who are interested to subscribe the newsletter may contact the HKADC Office at 28903644 or email antidoping@hkolympic.org.
Issued by: Hong Kong Anti-Doping Committee
Date: 16 December 2009
Related Information Download
<TrueSelf> Inaugural Issue