The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has launched the new and improved Anti-Doping Education and Learning platform (ADEL) recently. With its modernized look and feel, ADEL now features a wider range of educational courses and resources for different stakeholders of the sport community.
There are some new education resources highlighted and recommended by WADA to athletes and athlete support personnel (ASP):
- The Athlete Guide to the 2021 Code and the ASP Guide to the 2021 Code provide information on the significant changes within the 2021 World Anti-Doping Code (Code). The Guide also contain information regarding roles and responsibilities and the types of Anti-Doping Rule Violations under the 2021 Code.
- The Athletes and ASP Guide to the 2021 Prohibited List (the List) explains the major changes to the List that entered into effect on 1 January 2021.
All resources and courses can be viewed and accessed through both the ADEL platform or the “ADEL by WADA” mobile app (download from the App Store/Google Play). The Hong Kong Anti-Doping Committee (HKADC) strongly encourages athletes and ASP to visit this new online education platform and complete the courses to refresh their anti-doping knowledge.