Whereabouts Submission
Requirements for whereabouts submission Registered Testing Pool (RTP) Elite Testing Pool (ETP)
To be submitted on a quarterly basis. The deadlines for each quarter are 15 December, 15 March, 15 June, and 15 September.      
Whereabouts  shall be updated as necessary so that it remains accurate and complete at all times.      
To provide the full address of the place where the athlete will be staying overnight for each day, i.e. the daily overnight residence.      
To specify a 60-minute time slot  between 5 a.m. and 11 p.m. for each day, during which the athlete is available and accessible at the specified location for testing.   
To provide their training and competition schedules or schedule of other regular activities between 6 a.m. and 11 p.m.


Every day


At least 3 days per week

icon-arrow-circle-down Download Whereabouts Infographic

Ways to submit and update whereabouts information
Submit & Update ADAMS http://adams.wada-ama.org
Athlete Central (Mobile App) Download from the Apple App Store or Google Play
Update Only
(For emergency use only)
Email whereabouts@antidoping.hk
Fax (852) 2890 3677
WhatsApp/SMS/Voicemail (852) 6257 7099

 icon-exclamation-triangle  Athletes included in the Registered Testing Pool (RTP) of International Federations (IF) should submit and update whereabouts via ADAMS and Athlete Central only